Tuesday, December 27, 2011

to leave a place behind

i like the poem/book by Dr. Suess called 'oh the places you'll go', i love the vivid imagery he uses and the clever twists and turns. the curious people and breath-taking vistas.
its just i don't feel like i'm going to any of those places...

everywhere i turn, i see people going off to universities and big colleges and i'm reminded of just how badly i want to go and explore the world. to see what it's like for other cultures, peoples and economic statuses. i want to break out of the box that i've ALWAYS lived in that we call fresno and see the world. it seems like the easiest way of doing that, at the moment, is to go to college somewhere other than fresno.

my Grandmother came back from a cruise this past week. My heart sank a little more and more with each gorgeous picture that i saw. i couldn't help but think that i would never see those serene places for myself.

but, there is a difference between visiting and living. i can't shake the idea that i don't want to live in the US. i want to live somewhere quiet. somewhere green and blue. where people aren't tied down by corporations or the media. but places like that are few and far in between these days.

now, for all my aspirations to leave fresno, it's extremely hard to imagine leaving the people. the people that i have relationships with now are dear to me, and i don't want to loose them.

you see my predicament? to go? to stay? and if i stay, how long? what it comes to, is when to leave a place behind.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not just a rock.

My dad has all these rocks in our backyard that he uses for decoration or to hold up pots. Some of these, not surprisingly came from my grandfather who collected rocks.

He had hundreds of rocks. Red ones, blue ones, green ones. Smooth, rough, jagged. All had some distinct feature about them.

In addition to rocks, my grandfather also collected different types of glass. From sea glass to glass telephone transformers. One of my favorites are the glass globes that went on trading ships way back when. I actually have one of those in my room from his collection.

Back to the rocks. There are some really crazy looking ones! And some that might make a couple hundred at an auction just by the looks of them. I like those rocks. They make me wonder how they formed. I marvel at their patterns. I'm amazed by their vibrant colors.

On the other hand, one rock, that my dad has chilling on the side of the grass, looks totally modest. I simple stone that I had never though twice about. I simply ignored it.

It looks simple enough, but this 'rock', isn't. It's much more than that. It has a purpose, or at least did.

I don't know how many times I ignored it. Or simply passed it by with the lawn mower. Or tossed it aside to make room for chairs for a party. The most attention I probably gave it was from the water hose spraying the plants behind it. But now I know better.

Now, I actually think this is the coolest rock on our property.
Do you know why?

Because it is one of the original cobblestones from San Francisco.

Think about it.

I said this rock had a purpose. Well I think it still does, at least for me, it reminds me of something. When it was being 'useful' it was being trampled on, at best, by thousands of people each day. Yet, if it wasn't there, those same thousands for people might have tripped, or bumped in their carriage, or simply gotten dirt on their shoe.

Who are the people in your life that, even at their best, you over look?perhaps they have more value than you realize. Because just like this seemingly insignificant rock was once an incremental part of a great city, that person might just be part of God's kingdom. And that, would be a terrible thing to ignore.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear God,

My heart is breaking. Have I fallen this far? God, have I fallen this far?

My life is so materialistic and so not like to one I feel you calling me too. Yet, I can't reconcile the life you want me to live with the one I want to live, the one society wants me to live.

Too often today it seems like the end goal, of even the church, is for monetary gain. Of the people, for the people. Is that really how how you want it? It seems like the church should be of the people you inspired, for YOU.

Literally a week ago I was bursting with joy that I can only say came only from You. But today, I feel weak, lost and unworthy. Despite you clearly taking care of me this week, i still feel like i can't trust you to do it again.

Through all this I'm reading a book about you, not your book the bible, but a book about you. And I'm reminded that what it all comes down to is a relationship with you. LORD, I desire a genuine relationship with you, do you desire one with me? Scripture says that the answer to that question is "yes" but I still feel totally unworthy of it. Can you for give my pride? My lust? My greed? I desperately hope so.

Your prodigal son,

Friday, August 12, 2011

oh yeah!....

so, i have a confession to make. earlier today i told myself "i should start a blog!" then i remembered i already had one...

my whole life i have had goals. goals for a future, filled with boats, family, and perhaps a tiger or two. but, as it seems, this past month, God has pulled apart those goals.

and as i look at that pile of degrees, trips, people, and all the other things i want to accomplish, i see God just kneeling next to it. organizing. cutting. gluing, taping, snipping, stamping. i want Him to stop messing with my things! with my goals, my aspirations.

but what he's really doing is building a better future for me. out of all the things i want and throwing in some things that i'd never thought about before.

so as painful as it is to watch, I want Him to keep going. I want my future to be His future.